John gruber nvalt
John gruber nvalt

That is not to say there is nothing written, rather there is nothing I have found that doesn’t either run full geek into the weeds to soon, or treat the reader like an idiot. I am yet to find a satisfactory source that makes a clear and concise account of the benefits in using Markdown for academic work. In turn you will be free to try different solutions while keeping your work intact, and this barely scratches the surface of Markdown’s usefulness. Markdown will allow you to embrace plain text, which will not only future proof your work but it will make it as portable as possible and give you a uniquely focused medium for all your writing.


If you don’t already know how, spend the brief amount of time needed to learn how to write in Markdown.

john gruber nvalt

If you prefer to type your notes, then there is one simple piece of advice I would happily give anyone. Naturally, there is a lot more to doing it well, but if you are just looking to get started then having these two things in mind can only help. To drastically oversimplify the matter, the essence of note-taking is twofold: capture and retrieval. Whether this is new territory or not, there is always the question of where to begin.

john gruber nvalt

So it would seem there is a certain amount of justification in trying out different solutions to see what might stick. To state the obvious, note-taking is one of the more crucial academic skills. This is an ongoing battle, but for some there is a strange kind of jouissance in fiddling with one’s note-taking system.

John gruber nvalt