Janetter bug reporting
Janetter bug reporting

janetter bug reporting

A centralized place for reporting, tracking and managing bugs is provided to all members of the project.

janetter bug reporting

Furthermore, these bug reporting tools can be used by all members of the project: Clients, managers, designers, and developers, all at the same time.Īccess and permissions can typically be managed.


This new genre of bug reporting tools, to a great extent, eliminates or reduces manual documentation, tracking, data-processing, screenshots, specs, and long meetings that eat up valuable web development time. The interface is visual and seamless: No screenshots need to be made manually, no external spreadsheets need to be filled out, etc. In these tools, change requests and bug reports are created directly on the web pages of the project.

janetter bug reporting

What I’m now seeing are great solutions such as embedded interfaces that allow quality assurance (QA) personnel and clients to report bugs, provide design feedback, and request changes right from within their browsers. Recently, I have noticed a refreshing movement from ambitious Web startups addressing the painfully inefficient bug-reporting and issue-tracking process. It’s more efficient to gather feedback early and often, and to perform development work concurrently. But this sequential lather-rinse-repeat workflow is slow: One of these iterations is barely doable within a timeframe faster than a week because bug reports have to be processed, organized, documented with screenshots, decided upon, and then delegated to the appropriate people. Traditionally, bugs, client feedback, and change requests are discussed in lengthy real-time meetings which would then kick off the next web development phase that will address the issues. One area in our development process that we can optimize with a proper tool is the way we handle bug reports.

Janetter bug reporting